Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Nothing speaks to one's character like depraved indifference.



Those who blame the results of bad parenting on teachers are insulated from the problem.  The mayor, the school committee, and the Standard-Times propagandists don't have to put up with being assaulted by sociopaths pretending to be students.  None of them will lose their jobs or be injured.

They don't care how many teachers and students live in fear of attack.  They don't care who gets injured, or who gets killed as long as they make their numbers.  In fact, if someone showed up with a gun and started spraying bullets into crowded classrooms, the city would probably receive a huge federal grant so they could study the problem of bullying (to be quickly squandered no doubt) and the Standard-Times would be able to increase its circulation by having something dramatic to report.

They don't care.

They don't have to.

Think of them as morally equivalent to Jared Remy's lawyer.  He'll never have to bury his daughter, so he doesn't care either.

He doesn't have to.


  1. Unfortunately I do believe that your comment about "someone showing up with a gun and spraying bullets" is a prediction of things to come.

    1. Nationwide, another school massacre is a near certainty.

      In any particular school district, it's a very low probability event.

      Pia Durkin and her toadying supporters are simply playing the odds. And if someone dies, they'll just blame the gun lobby.

  2. Durkin would probably blame the teachers.

    1. The teachers did not properly utilize everything in their toolkit to prevent the shooting.
