Friday, April 18, 2014

From the mail sack...

Before I became internet aware I made use of snail mail to do what I'm doing now.  I have an extensive collection of letters that bear some significance to the problems that exist in the New Bedford School System and I'll reprint a few of them here from time to time.

Once again...I'm typing slowly for the benefit of people with Ph.D.'s.

September 24, 2000

Letters to the Editor
Boston Herald
P.O. Box 2096
Boston, MA.  02106-2096

Dear Editor,

The teacher shortage described in the September 24th article, "Teachers wanted" can be solved fairly quickly.  Stop blaming teachers for the effects of parental incompetence.


The Elephant

No...I didn't sign it with "The Elephant."

This one's even older:

May 23, 1998

Letters to Editor
Sentinel & Enterprise
808 Main St.
Fitchburg, MA.  01420

Dear Editor,

I am writing about "Tension and fear at schools-but no easy answers", a poorly titled article which appeared in the Saturday, May 23rd edition.

The claim that there are no easy answers is inaccurate.  It's a relatively uncomplicated legal problem.  There are two groups of people who's basic civil rights are in conflict.  On paper, children have the right to an education, free from violence.  In reality, criminally incompetent parents have the right to use the public school system as a warehouse for their violent, sadistic offspring.  Anyone who's been assaulted or threatened while attending school quickly learns that the criminal's right to warehouse is far superior to the student's right to an education.  They also learn that adults will typically place the blame on the weakness of the victim, an incredibly stupid message of approval that guarantees an escalation of violence.  Reverse the importance currently placed on the rights of these two groups of people and the problem is solved.

Hey Pia!!  If a former student shows up one day and stages a media event do you have a ludicrous scapegoat ready?  Will Marilyn Manson be mentioned?  How about video games?

No!  Wait!!...I know...

Blame something vague and amorphous like the declining morality of society and the insidious influence of an unregulated internet.

Yeah.  That's the ticket.

The Elephant declares that all of the really important butts have been covered.

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