Monday, April 28, 2014

Every campaign needs campaign slogans.

Whether you are preparing your nation's population for war, marketing a product, or running for public office, every campaign needs a list of campaign slogans.  Slogans need not be remotely factual or logical.  The two basic requirements are that they precipitate a strong emotional reaction and they are easy to remember.  And everyone old enough to be reading this knows how they work, whether they realize it or not.

If you are seen driving this model of automobile, drinking this brand of high end liquor, or wearing this brand of clothing you will be admired by all and given the respect you've always deserved but never received.  You'll be more masculine, sexier, more sophisticated, healthier, or richer.  You will finally be accepted by a higher class of people.  You will be happy.

Yeah...sure I will.

Product marketing slogans attempt to convince you that you'll receive something you badly want.  And they work because no one wants to feel and look like a fool for buying a product and then having to admit that they actually bought it in an effort to become more masculine, sexier, etc., only to end up just as dull and ordinary as ever.  No one dares to complain when those lofty and ludicrous promises fail to be fulfilled.  Everlasting hope combined with fear of embarrassment is a confidence man's greatest ally.

Political and war mongering slogans work a bit differently.  Both offer the audience someone to follow and someone to blame for their problems.  Vote for me because America could be a paradise if it weren't for the liberals, the conservatives, the PAC's, the gun lobby, OPEC, bloggers, the gay liberal agenda, the Muslims, big evil corporations, tax evaders in the underground economy, and of course...the teacher's union.

Who among us can deny the corrosive effect of professionally trained educators?!

There's a scapegoat for all seasons and always a charming sociopath willing to hammer away at it.  Who can resist being charmed and disarmed when Pia Durkin flashes her Wicked Witch of the West smile and takes your hand into both of hers?  So pleased to meet you.  Would you like to humiliate a few teachers before dinner or freshen up first?  Because I live by the maxim that charming people tend to be sociopaths, I'm put on alert rather than charmed.

By now readers know that I place the blame for many of our nation's problems on the institution most responsible for teaching people right from wrong, America's precious and unimpeachable Institution of Family.  Parents choose to produce children and choose how to role model.  Parents are the first place our nation's media and law enforcement community should look when a Jared Remy or its high school aged equivalent appears.  We need a campaign to destroy the social taboos against doing this.  And like all those marketing firms and politicians, I have a few slogans designed to precipitate a completely irrational and highly emotional reaction.

Raising a bully is like defecating in the village well and then attacking anyone who dares to mention the taste of your parenting skills.

Bullies are like human feces.  They emerge from the orifice of family character and find a strong sense of belonging in the cesspool of community character.

Those of you who've been abused and then blamed for the abuser's criminal behavior thought of specific individuals when reading them...didn't you?

Write a few of your own.  Be creative.  You know you want to.


  1. The elephant is once again on target. Thank you.

    1. I'm going to horrify conservatives by saying this but our free-for-all method of producing tomorrow's adults is badly in need of regulation.

    2. the elephant should look in the mirror

    3. This is called the Imperfect Plaintiff Defense. Trial lawyers used to defend rapists by dragging the victim's sexual history into court or by implying that she somehow brought it on herself by dressing or behaving "provocatively." People are mean, stupid, and jealous so it worked quite well much of the time.

      It's often referred to with the maxim that those who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

      There's even a Biblical reference, "Let he has never sinned cast the first stone."

      And it's a very efficient method of preserving one's right to behave badly. It implies that anyone who has ever done anything wrong should refrain from criticizing the antisocial or criminal behavior of others. long as you live in a society full of imperfect people you never have to clean up your act because no one is allowed to complain.

      If you know my children or have witnessed something I should know about I'd very much appreciate being informed. And if you're aware of some details regarding my own imperfect behavior as a parent, I would also appreciate knowing about it.

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  5. I love your writing, but PLEASE don't point a finger at Jerry's not his fault his son turned out the way he did. Sometimes it just happens. No one has a bad word to say about Jerry Remy; please don't be the first.
    That being said, I do agree in general....How about....Bring back Whaler Pride!

    1. On occasion parents can be excellent role models and one or more of their children chooses to be a criminal. Yes, "sometimes it just happens." But that's not the case with the Remy's. All three of their children are violent criminals. Jared is just the worst one. Jerry and Phoebe repeatedly bailed him out of jail and hired attorneys who knew how to play the system. They did this with the knowledge that he was going to continue committing violent crimes. No one with an iota of sense believes that they are either surprised or remorseful. They're just angry about all the bad publicity.

      They went way beyond enabling. They are accessories to murder.

  6. There are a couple of odd and seemingly related comments, one of which begins with "for your eyes only." It would be helpful if the individuals who left them could clarify a bit.

  7. I did not want you to post this, but to understand just how bad the mayor is. Could you please delete this post? It is painful and personal.

    1. Done.

      If you want me to see something but don't want me to post it just begin the comment with "Don't post this, just an FYI."

  8. Jeffery Dahmer and Adam Lanza's mothers come to mind when I read this. They bred these monsters and are just as guilty as their sons.

    1. I'm unfamiliar with the behavior of Jeffrey Dahmer's mother.

      Adam Lanza's mother has been criticized for teaching him how to shoot and allowing him access to firearms. But as I explained in "The Care and Feeding of the American Domestic Terrorist" there must be a relationship between the killer and the public founded upon a history of cruelty and betrayal. I doubt his mother had any hand in that.

      Good effort though.
